Note: The OTC service was deleted from the WX Network UI at the April, 17, 2023 due to the low demand but its smart contract still working. So, if you want swap XTN to USDT/USDC or vice versa, use
The WX Network users have the ability to exchange cryptocurrency on the Spot market. Sometimes, the execution of the order is not instant and takes a substantial amount of time, for example, if the sell or buy orders at a particular price are thin. The exchange timing is of the utmost importance for arbitrage or users who want to take advantage of our investment products immediately. That is why WX Network provides the OTC service which allows any user to swap USDT/USDC to XTN and vice versa via OTC without waiting for order execution. The minimal USDT/USDC-to-XTN’s swap amount is 10 000 USD, and the minimal XTN-to-USDT/USDC’s swap amount is 10,000 as well but not more than was previously swapped to XTN. And let’s take a closer look at the OTC swap now.
How to swap USDT/USDC to XTN
Go to the and log into the account. Then enter the OTC smart contract address - 3P2K8CWUGqJU9mP147xnjWpSQn1q1zFX3GA - into the Search for Smart Contract field and press Enter.
Fill in the fields in the swapAssetAToB section:
- in the assetB field, specify XTN's asset ID (DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p)
- click on the Attach payment button, select the token you want to swap and enter its amount you want to swap to XTN (not less than 10 000 USDT/USDC).
After filling in the form, click on the Invoke button in the swapAssetAToB section and confirm the transaction.
Additional information:
Tokens’ IDs:
How to swap XTN to USDT/USDC
Go to the and log into the account you used to stake DeFo tokens. Then enter the OTC smart contract address - 3P2K8CWUGqJU9mP147xnjWpSQn1q1zFX3GA - into the Search for Smart Contract field and press Enter.
Fill in the fields in the initializationSwapAssetsBToA section to initiate swap process :
- in the assetA field, specify ID of Token you want to receive:
- click on the Attach payment button, select the XTN and enter its amount you want to swap (not less than 10 000 XTN).
After filling in the form, click on the Invoke button in the initializationSwapAssetsBToA section and confirm the transaction.
To receive USDT/USDC after swap initiating, you need to call "withdrawAsset" function via After 30 minutes (30 blocks) after swap initiation, fill in the fields in the withdrawAsset section:
- in the assetA field, specify ID of Token you will receive:
- in the assetB field, specify XTN's asset ID (DG2xFkPdDwKUoBkzGAhQtLpSGzfXLiCYPEzeKH2Ad24p);
- in the heightInKey field, specify the block number, when you initiated swap (you can chech it via Waves Explorer by using your Waves address.
After filling in the form, click on the Invoke button in the withdrawAsset section and confirm the transaction.
Additional information:
Tokens’ IDs:
If you have any questions related to WX Network, feel free to contact us.
*tags: otc swap usdt usdc xtn